terms and conditions

Please ensure you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions before applying for membership or attending a workshop. By applying or attending a workshop you are deemed to have read, understood and accepted them.

These Terms and Conditions set out the terms on which Megan Tarris Studio (hereafter, referred in these terms and conditions as ‘the Studio’) provides services and approves membership requests. These Terms and Conditions apply to all members of the Studio, all applications for membership, and workshop attendees. 

If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, you should not apply for membership or book a workshop. 

  • Completion of the membership process and acceptance of our terms and conditions forms your contract with Megan Tarris Studio. The Studio does not issue refunds. 

    Gift Cards are valid for one year from the date of purchase. Upon redemption of a gifted card, the booking will be subject to these Terms and Conditions.

  • Membership to the Studio is required to book open studio sessions, purchase clay and make firing requests. Applicants must be referred by the Studio or a current member. 

    Membership does not incur a monthly charge, minimum commitment or fee, but completing the application process, studio orientation and signed user agreement is obligatory. 

    An individual shall only become a Member of the Studio when their application for Membership has been accepted by the Studio. At such time, the Member shall be deemed to have irrevocably agreed to these Terms and Conditions. 

    Members must have a basic understand of clay and ceramic processes and be capable of independent work. A minimum of 16 weeks experience is required for membership to be considered. 

    Memberships are non-transferable and cannot be shared. Members cannot bring guests into the Studio without pre-authorization. 


    The Studio is a place of community and operates a zero tolerance on abuse policy. No form of violence or behaviour that is sexist, racist, ableist, xenophobic, homophobic or transphobic will be accepted. Members who do not respect this policy will be asked to leave and may result in a termination of their Membership. 

    As the Studio is located in a residential neighbourhood, Members will be mindful when entering and exiting the property. Ample street parking is available. 


    Members inactive at the Studio for more than one year will have their membership made dormant. Dormant memberships cannot book open studio sessions or request firings. Memberships can be reactivated at any time by request but a current user agreement must be signed and a studio orientation may be required.


    The Studio reserves the right to terminate any membership without notice if a Member is found to be in violation of these Terms and Conditions. Bookings made for future dates by a Member who’s membership is terminated will not be refunded. 

  • Payment for all sessions, workshops and firings must be completed in advance, either through the website at the time of booking or through an e-transfer if preferred. 

  • Members are entitled to book the Studio’s facilities during its opening hours and subject to these Terms and Conditions provided. 

    Members have use of work areas, tools, potters wheels, extruder, cleaning and waste systems, reclaim system & service, glazes and decorating materials, communal storage and wifi. Members are encouraged to use and maintain their own set of basic tools. The Studio may at any time and without notice withdraw all or part of its facilities or equipment for any period or periods in connection with any cleaning, repair, alteration or maintenance work or for any other reason.

    Members will treat the Studio, its materials and equipment with care and respect. Equipment and tools found damaged from misuse will result in replacement or repair fee and may result in a termination of Membership if the cause is found to be dangerous or malicious. 

    Members will report damaged, missing or unsafe equipment or tools to the Studio as soon as it is noted.


    Due to the structure of the building, the studio may be difficult to access for those with mobility issues, particularly if stairs are problematic. The Studio will work to accommodate whatever adaptations or considerations Members may need to access and use the space. 

    The Studio has limited access to bathrooms through the main building. 

  • The Studio reserves the right to vary session and workshop times. Booking times are detailed on the website and will be updated seasonally. We ask that all Members respect the Studio’s times and schedule. The Studio reserves the right in its sole and absolute discretion to close for periods of time. 

    Open studio sessions and workshops are booked on a first-come first-served basis, with no current per-Member seasonal session cap. 


    Open studio sessions may only be booked by active Members who have agreed and adhere to current studio terms and conditions. Bookings made by non-members will be canceled. 

    Open studio sessions are 3 hours in length, including time for required clean up. Refunds are not offered for partially used bookings. Members may start at any point within the 3 hour session but the end time is fixed. 

    Open studio bookings are divided into two categories: work room access and front room access. Workroom access allows Members full access to all studio tasks, including but not limited to throwing, hand-building, trimming, decorating, and glazing. Front room access permits finishing (decorating, glazing, sanding, etc) tasks only.  

    Open studio sessions are self-directed. Studio staff may be present during these times but instruction and demonstrations are not available during these sessions. Reasonable questions regarding equipment use or studio policies and procedures is permissible. 

    Payment must be made at the time of booking and cancellations must be made in accordance with the class cancellation terms listed below. 


    Private or semi-private skill-building workshops are offered seasonally based on studio availability and/or by Member request. 

    The Studio reserves the right to change the timing or date of any workshop in order to provide a high quality service or where it is necessary for reasons beyond the Studio’s control. 

    Payment must be made at the time of booking and rescheduling and cancellations must be made in accordance with the cancellation terms listed below. 

  • Refunds are not available. Bookings may be rescheduled up to 12 hours in advance. Repeated absenteeism may result in the dormancy or termination of a Membership. 

    If a session or workshop is cancelled by the Studio Members will be offered the option to transfer the booking to an alternative date. 


    White and buff stoneware and porcelain mid-fire (cone 5/6) clays from established suppliers can be purchased through the Studio. High-fire bodies may be bisque fired only. Low-fire bodies are NOT permitted in the studio. Members may use clay bodies purchase elsewhere, but proof of purchase/product must be provided. Firing costs are not included in the purchase of clay. 

    Trimmings, discarded greenware, and/or slip left at the Studio is incorporated into the Studio’s reclaim process and become property of the Studio. Members may choose to reclaim their clay off-site. 

    The Studio may, at any given time, due to supply issues, cost or preference, change the bodies available for purchase at the Studio. Due to this, the Studio cannot guarantee continuance of finish across work completed over time. 


    The Studio's custom glazes meet the requirements for Canadian ceramic foodware products (further information can be found here), are chemically well formulated, have been tested for durability, and are appropriate for use with food.

    Studio glazes are available for Members use and is incorporated into the cost of glaze firing, if applicable. Members must book an open studio session to use Studio glazes. 

    Commercial glazes, with proof of product, are also be accepted. Given the complex chemistry and potential for damage, no Member may mix their own glazes for use at the Studio.

  • Bisque and glaze firing requests are available to Members for work made in the studio or off-site. Bisque firings are done to cone 04 and glaze firings to cone 6. Clay and glazes must be rated for these firings. Proof of clay body and/or commercial glazes must be provided upon request if purchased outside the Studio. ALL work must be submitted through the firing request process. Cost is calculated per piece and measured by cubic millimetre. 

    No Member may operate or access the kiln in any capacity that is not directly instructed and supervised by Studio staff. No work, equipment, or personal affects should be placed on or beside the kiln at any time. 


    Greenware must be bone dry and ready to fire at the time of delivery or firing request. No solid part of any piece may be more than 20mm thick. Pieces must be clearly identified with member’s initials or stamp. Preexisting flaws or damage to pieces must be noted and reviewed in person prior to firing.


    Only studio or commercially purchased glazes are permitted (proof of product may be required). Each piece must be free of glaze on the bottom and no less than 5mm up the side. Glaze must be free of cracking or flaking. Glaze must not be applied thicker than 1mm. Pieces smaller than 30mm must come prepared on a cookie. Preexisting flaws or damage to pieces must be noted and reviewed in person prior to firing. Members will be contacted to remedy or collect pieces that have been rejected.

    Damage caused to the kiln, kiln furniture or adjacent Member work caused by a failure to meet firing requirements will result in replacement or repair fee and may result in a termination of Membership. 


    Due to finite shelf and kiln capacity, as well as out of environmental consideration, Members are encouraged to be thoughtful about the quality and volume of the pieces put through for firing. The Studio cannot accommodate production level volumes of Member work. 


    Members will be emailed when fired pieces are ready for collection, usually this is within three weeks but can take longer depending on the Studio’s kiln firing schedule. 

    Members are requested to collect finished work as soon as possible once pickup instructions have been received to help keep storage areas clear, and avoid damage. Members will be given 3 months to collect their work from the Studio. If finished ceramic work is not collected within 3 months it will be disposed of. If you are unable to collect your work Members may name a person to collect it on your behalf. 

  • The Studio takes a careful approach to health and safety for the sake of all users. Members and students agree to abide by the guidelines of our Health and Safety instructed by the Studio. Repeated failure to do so will result in termination of Membership.

    Members use the Studio at their own risk with awareness of the inherent hazards of a ceramic studio environment; which include but are not limited to use of sharp tools and sharp edges, strain on muscles and joint, injury related to heavy equipment and materials, exposure to toxic materials, the dangers of using materials and equipment at high temperatures, as well as the risks associate with breathing silica dust. The Studio is not responsible for any injury or harm caused by these inherent risks. 

    Members must make community-minded decisions with regards to illness - please reschedule your booking if displaying overt cold and/or flu symptoms.

    In the interests of safety and hygiene, no glass or food are permitted in the Studio. Covered beverages or water in open vessels are permissible. 

    Members must use the dedicated Studio entrance when entering or exiting. Leaving through the interior of the building is reserved for emergencies only, the route through which will be reviewed during a Member’s studio orientation. In the event of an emergency, Members are asked to make their way to the nearest available exit.

    Smoking/vaping of any kind is forbidden in the Studio. Entering and/or use of the Studio intoxicated on drugs or alcohol is forbidden and may result in a termination of Membership.


    To minimize health risks of silica exposure posed to Members and Staff and to ensure a comfortable, useable work environment, each Member is required to keep all surfaces clear of clay and glaze, and to clean all areas, including the floor, common spaces, and around their work station thoroughly before each session is complete. As a private studio, cleaning standards are very high and full cleaning procedures will be reviewed in detail during a Member’s studio orientation.

  • The Studio is equipped with high quality equipment, used and maintained by an experienced professional, however, by the nature of ceramics there remains a risk of technical failure or damage for which the Studio cannot be held responsible.

    The Studio is not responsible for damage to or flaws in any piece as the result of faulty construction, drying, or glaze application or mishandling. 

    Members accept the risk of bringing personal belongings into the Studio. The Studio is not liable for any loss or damage to such items.


    The Studio cannot be held liable for Member work found to be faulty, damaged or dangerous. The Studio is released of any responsibility for any work upon its collection. 

  • Members agree to allow the Studio to contact them by email (and/or phone, if provided) to share information pertaining to their membership and the Studio, and updates and news regarding their sessions, workshops, and other clay club events. The Studio will not share any Member contact, schedule or other private information with any other individual.

    The Studio aims to offer an inclusive, safe and functional creative environment for all Members and encourages Members to communicate issues, suggestions and feedback directly.